Thursday, June 21, 2007

What Type Of Problem(s) Do You Solve? - E. g., Chief Employment Officer? Chief Encouragement Officer?

What type of problem(s) do you solve?

Think of something: We network ONLY to SOLVE problems.

And if it is the case that we network only to SOLVE problems, isn't it helpful to help each other know the answer to  this most basic question when we invite them to connect with us on Linkedin?

The reason I mention this is that there are some great people who are great at inviting us and, thus, they solve a networking problem for some of us: whom to invite. 




Some of the very people who solve one problem for us CAUSE another problem:  they leave us not knowing what problems they solve avocationally or even PROFESSIONALLY.

In other words: We don't know what drives them.   We don't know what they do.  We don't know what problems they specialize in solving.   We don't know what problems we can solve, together.

Avocationally, I like promoting myself as a "Chief Encouragement Officer".   I like that as an avocational title because it helps me "accentuate the positive" - all day long.   For me, just thinking of the term "Chief Encouragement Officer" has a bi-directional benefit: It helps me remember my preferred purpose for my discussion groups.   And the title helps encourage me, too.   (And yes, Chief Encouragement Officers need encouragement, too!)

Professionally, as a Recruiter for client companies and as a Coach for individual job seekers, I solve employment problems.   Thus, professionally, I like considering myself a "Chief Employment Officer".   And I like doing that because "Employment Solves Problems".

Those who help us understand what problems they solve help solve the decision-making problem of connecting with them.

Vincent Wright
Chief Encouragement Officer | |
"Employment Solves Problems"

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