Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Testing "The Biggest Business In The World" On Yahoo Groups! ;-)

Recently, the playful/quasi-serious side of me reserved the domain
name www.TheBiggestBusinessInTheWorld.com

Along with several dozen other "optimism-centric" domain names, I
reserved that name because, frankly, I believe that the business of
business is encouraging humans to be better at being human. (We can
talk about the meaning of that at a later date.)

I believe that if more business realized that there is a LOT of
business in encouraging one another, we'd well, um, be more
encouraged! :-)

Because I'm much better at conceiving and naming things than actually
building them, I thought I'd point that domain name at a Yahoo Group I
created. I decided on Yahoo Groups because I'm so familiar with

Well, tonight, Yahoo just announced its new BETA for Yahoo Groups.

And so, "The Biggest Business In The World" is actually part of
Yahoo's BETA! :-)

Though I'm seriously interested in keeping this group focused on
encouragement and inspiration and hope and optimism and motivation and
joy and laugher and solutions to the challenges that discourage us,
I'd really be encouraged if you helped to test it out! Of course, if
you have lots of optimistic, encouraging, hopeful things to share,
that would be the best of the best kind of test! :-)

Join The Biggest Business In The World at: www.TheBiggestBusinessInTheWorld.com
Vincent Wright
Chief Encouragement Officer
www.MyLinkedinPowerForum.com |
www.WrightHandEmploymentNetworking.com |
"Employment Solves Problems"

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